It is so difficult to see the images coming from Asia where the tsunami happened. So many people dead or missing and now the threat of some diseases as well. When something like this happens you tend to think..."Why?". As you start to see things through the Word of God, everything gets clearer. Really, the Word of God has in there all the answers we need, the thing is if we see it or not. These things happen because we live on a fallen world, since sin entered the earth, everything that was good wasn't good anymore. When Adam and Eve sinned we can read in Genesis 3:17 that God told Adam that "cursed is the ground because of you". Also in Romans 8:19-22 it says that "the creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth". I haven't had a child yet, but I know from seeing other women go through it that the pain is very strong. Imagine all this time that the earth has been groaning? I believe this tsunami is just a small thing compared to what is yet to come.
My pastor said (and I agree) that this was a sign of the times. I think is a good time to meditate on Matthew 24 (also Mark 13, Luke 21). Some passages to meditate on:
Matthew 24:6. This is happening already and why are we surprised, it says that such things must happen.
Matthew 24:7. We are also seeing this. It says earthquakes and how was this tsunami created? It was the result of an earthquake under water.
I believe the King is coming, anytime now, we have to be ready (Matthew 24:27, Matthew 24:36-51, 2 Peter 3: 8-18, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11).
But the Bible says on Matthew 24:6...that we shouldn't be alarmed. I was recalling back to when 9/11 happened. For me that was like the beginning of the end. On that occasion I was alarmed. But then I started meditating on all this, and since then of course I haven't liked hearing about other things happening like 3/11 on Spain, the war in Iraq, this tsunami in the Asian countries, but now I am not as surprised and alarmed as I was when 9/11 happened. These are things that will keep on happening, whether we like it or not. Is like God...He is God whether we believe He is or not. But take a look at Luke 21:28. God is good.
At church my pastor was speaking about Luke 13:1-5. People were thinking that since the blood of the Galileans was mixed with the sacrifices and that the tower had fell on top of those 18, it was because God was punishing them for something. But Jesus said no. Are the people in Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and all those other places hit by the tsunami worse sinners and more guilty than us? No way! We are all sinners. But God is merciful. God is giving a time for repentance. We are no better than anyone. And this repentance is not only needed in the world, but inside churches. Inside the churches today we see envy among ministries, people talking about a brother or sister in Christ behind their back, competition to see who has more, lies, people living a double life, double morals, adultery, no holiness, and so on. People who live like this don't know Christ, because when you really know Him and realize what He has done for you, you try to live in a way that would please Him (1 Corinthians 6:20, 2 Timothy 2:4). We have to recognize the condition we are living in, and that we are no better than anyone, but we are living under Gods mercy that calls us to repentance. Let us see the signs and opportunities God is giving us, so that we can take advantage of His great mercy and grace, that we do not deserve, but is still there for us.
My pastor said (and I agree) that this was a sign of the times. I think is a good time to meditate on Matthew 24 (also Mark 13, Luke 21). Some passages to meditate on:
Matthew 24:6. This is happening already and why are we surprised, it says that such things must happen.
Matthew 24:7. We are also seeing this. It says earthquakes and how was this tsunami created? It was the result of an earthquake under water.
I believe the King is coming, anytime now, we have to be ready (Matthew 24:27, Matthew 24:36-51, 2 Peter 3: 8-18, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11).
But the Bible says on Matthew 24:6...that we shouldn't be alarmed. I was recalling back to when 9/11 happened. For me that was like the beginning of the end. On that occasion I was alarmed. But then I started meditating on all this, and since then of course I haven't liked hearing about other things happening like 3/11 on Spain, the war in Iraq, this tsunami in the Asian countries, but now I am not as surprised and alarmed as I was when 9/11 happened. These are things that will keep on happening, whether we like it or not. Is like God...He is God whether we believe He is or not. But take a look at Luke 21:28. God is good.
At church my pastor was speaking about Luke 13:1-5. People were thinking that since the blood of the Galileans was mixed with the sacrifices and that the tower had fell on top of those 18, it was because God was punishing them for something. But Jesus said no. Are the people in Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and all those other places hit by the tsunami worse sinners and more guilty than us? No way! We are all sinners. But God is merciful. God is giving a time for repentance. We are no better than anyone. And this repentance is not only needed in the world, but inside churches. Inside the churches today we see envy among ministries, people talking about a brother or sister in Christ behind their back, competition to see who has more, lies, people living a double life, double morals, adultery, no holiness, and so on. People who live like this don't know Christ, because when you really know Him and realize what He has done for you, you try to live in a way that would please Him (1 Corinthians 6:20, 2 Timothy 2:4). We have to recognize the condition we are living in, and that we are no better than anyone, but we are living under Gods mercy that calls us to repentance. Let us see the signs and opportunities God is giving us, so that we can take advantage of His great mercy and grace, that we do not deserve, but is still there for us.
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