Esfuérzate y se valiente

Saturday, January 15, 2005

People I've been this week...

I've been several characters this week and the following are just a few of them:

I've been a nurse...telling parents how to care for their newborn daughter (6 days old) once they went home.

I've been a nurse...getting a complete history on a lady who was going to have a complete physical and pap smear, and asking her what type of birth control she wanted.

I've been a doctor...asking the patient what had brought her today to the ER.

I've been a mortgage rep...explaining what the letter he received is saying, and that simply his mortgage has been now transferred to our company.

I've been an IRS rep...explaining that to get a #, you need to submit the application along with your tax return, not just the application. (I had to interpret this like for 15 people).

I've been a anesthesiologist...explaining to a patient that in a little while he is going to have knee surgery, and that the risks of the anesthesia are very low, any risks of stroke, heart attack or seizures is very low. There would be more risk driving on the road than with the anesthesia (according to him).

I've been a Doctor...screening a 71 year old lady, who was having abdominal pain and suffered from incontinence. The lady couldn't even speak because of the pain so she had to put her daughter to speak to me.

I've been a counselor...getting a complete history from a mother's child, the child is troublesome and aggressive. Has tried to hurt himself. Killed a cat, threatened his father and keyed his father's vehicle. (This call lasted like an hour and 15 minutes).

I've been a 401 k rep...advising how much you can borrow from your 401 k.

I've been another counselor...trying to get a man to go into detox. He was completely addicted to his medications. Whenever he didn't have the medicines he would become aggressive. He hears voices telling him to do things. He was in jail for 12 years. Four of his brothers have died of overdoses or shot at. He was hit with a bat and sustained 3 fractures on his skull. His vehicle was stolen with all his belongings. Doesn't trust anyone, not even the police. (When I finished this call I was thanking God for his mercy, that I don't deserve but still he gives to me. If I thought I had any problems at all, they pale in comparison to what this man was going through. But shows me once again what a sinful and fallen world we live in.)

There were many others, but these are the ones I remember right now.


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