The Passion of The Christ

I saw it last night for the first time, could you believe it?, like 2 years after it was released. There were parts I liked, parts I didn't. I thought he gave too much importance in the movie to son and mother relationship and I can't help but think about the importance catholics give to Mary, sometimes even more than the savior himself. These were parts of the movie that struck me as weird as they are not mentioned at all in the Bible, I guess they are the director's imagination of how he thinks things might have happened...the part when Jesus is being flogged and the devil is holding a baby (old face) I didn't understand the purpose of that scene, the part when Mary bows and puts her ear to the floor and directly below her it's Jesus (weird), the part when Simon of Cyrene asks the soldiers to stop beating and flogging Jesus (where is that in the Bible?), the part when the woman comes and hands Jesus like a cloth for him to wipe his face (where is that?), the part where Mary and Mary Magdalene clean Jesus blood (where?), at the end once Jesus is already dead that they get his body down from the cross and they put him in Mary's arms...that was really weird for me to see as the Bible says the women were there but watching from a distance and in Luke 23 it says that Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for Jesus body and that he took it down from the cross, so Mary was only watching from a distance. So it gives so much importance to Mary through all of it that I can stop myself from thinking, there they go again. I don't know if there were more scenes but these are the ones I remember right now, I'll have to see it again as my niece wouldn't let me concentrate completely on the movie. A part I didn't see and would have like to see it's when the centurion says "Surely this man was the Son of God"; also when the rooster crowed immediately after Peter denied knowing Jesus three times (I didn't hear a rooster at least, I don't know because at the time my niece was with me and getting my attention); also a little bit of the resurrection, although I know it was only the passion of Christ they wanted, but it would have been nice seeing the angels telling the women:"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again. There were other parts I liked that were more biblical and reminding me once more how he gave his precious blood for my sins.
I thank you Jesus for dying on that cross for my sins, I thank you because you humbled yourself for me even though you are the King of kings and Lord of Lords, I thank you because you purchased me and the prize you paid is too high to repay...your blood and your life. I thank you because of what you went through during that time you were separated from your father that you cried out in agony..."My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"...was all for me. I thank you because I am free, I am saved, I am forgiven, I have victory in my life because of what you did on the cross. Your grace is the best gift I have received. Thank you Jesus. My life is so much better with you in it, without you there wouldn't be any real meaning, any real purpose. I love you and I am waiting for you. And if I die before you return again, then I'll meet you in heaven.