A good man is gone from this earth
I am talking about a man I am really grateful to. Because of him and his love and commitment to God I came to know Jesus. He was not the one who personally shared the message with me, but he was the one who shared it with the person who then told me and my family about Jesus. So he must be rejoicing in heaven, he had completed the task God had for him here on this earth. He was a great man, a man of character and principles. He was born in Colombia in 1942. He came to Panama when he was very young because he wanted to share God's love, and indeed he did. He was pastor for many years of the First Baptist Church here in Panama. He also founded Campus Crusade for Christ here in Panama, and was the director for many years. I knew him since I was like 10 years old. He was always such a patient man and always showed care when talking to me, even though I was merely a child. There are people who I believe touch you forever because of the way they behave when they are around you and how they treat you. He was such a man in my life.
He passed away on September 11th. This is not one of my favorite dates. I still have the memories of watching 9/11/01 and now with him, two people that I knew have died on this date. One good thing...one of my nieces was also born on September 11th. As the Bible says there is a season for everything: a time to be born, and a time to die (Ecc. 3:1-2). His memorial service was last friday the 15th. I thank God because He arranged the circumstances so that I would be able to go. I was not going to be able to make it because I had to work, but a co-worker did a swap with me and I worked his shift and he worked mine. It's incredible how God arranges everything. I wasn't even thinking about doing a swap with him, because he works the graveyard shift. I was thinking someone from the day shift but that would mean someone who did not work friday's but worked saturday's. So, I would have friday off and then I would have to come work saturday, which wasn't what I wanted but if it meant having the opportunity of going to the service I would do it. But then on thursday he asks me if I am ok, that I looked like if I am deep in my thoughts, and then joking he asks...has someone died, your dog maybe? I think I turned sharply to look at him and then explained the situation. And then he said that he was available for the swap if I wanted one. That would mean working from 12:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. I did it and then by friday afternoon I had a pounding headache, I believe because of lack of sleep, lack of food and also a few tears at the service.
But I am glad. Glad that he is now asleep waiting for Jesus return. So I did a little bit of grieving, I think that is only human, but I have hope that he, who died in Christ, will rise.
Thanks Mr. Osman...glory be to God for your life and testimony. You were of great blessing to generations of Christians in Panama and Latin America.
One of his favorite verses:
Luke 10:27 - "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
He passed away on September 11th. This is not one of my favorite dates. I still have the memories of watching 9/11/01 and now with him, two people that I knew have died on this date. One good thing...one of my nieces was also born on September 11th. As the Bible says there is a season for everything: a time to be born, and a time to die (Ecc. 3:1-2). His memorial service was last friday the 15th. I thank God because He arranged the circumstances so that I would be able to go. I was not going to be able to make it because I had to work, but a co-worker did a swap with me and I worked his shift and he worked mine. It's incredible how God arranges everything. I wasn't even thinking about doing a swap with him, because he works the graveyard shift. I was thinking someone from the day shift but that would mean someone who did not work friday's but worked saturday's. So, I would have friday off and then I would have to come work saturday, which wasn't what I wanted but if it meant having the opportunity of going to the service I would do it. But then on thursday he asks me if I am ok, that I looked like if I am deep in my thoughts, and then joking he asks...has someone died, your dog maybe? I think I turned sharply to look at him and then explained the situation. And then he said that he was available for the swap if I wanted one. That would mean working from 12:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. I did it and then by friday afternoon I had a pounding headache, I believe because of lack of sleep, lack of food and also a few tears at the service.
But I am glad. Glad that he is now asleep waiting for Jesus return. So I did a little bit of grieving, I think that is only human, but I have hope that he, who died in Christ, will rise.
Thanks Mr. Osman...glory be to God for your life and testimony. You were of great blessing to generations of Christians in Panama and Latin America.
One of his favorite verses:
Luke 10:27 - "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
Sounds like he was truly a godly man who will be greatly missed. I look forward to meeting him someday. Thanks for posting this.
Anonymous, at 7:56 AM
I am sure you will.
Mary Gaby, at 11:35 PM
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