Esfuérzate y se valiente

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Think about it...

It's the afternoon of a typical Friday and you are driving home. You turn on the radio and on the news there is a story of little importance: in a town very far away from where you are three people have died of some kind of flu that has never been seen before. You don't pay much attention to it...

When you wake up on Monday, you hear that it's no longer 3 people, but 30,000 the ones who have died on some remote hills of India.

Disease control people in the U.S., have gone to investigate. On Tuesday it has become the most important news on the first page of the newspaper, because it's no longer only India, but Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, soon it's all over the news. They are calling it the "Mysterious Influenza" and everybody is asking themselves: How are we going to control it?

Suddenly, something that surprises everyone: Europe closes its borders, no flights from India to France, or from any other country where the illness has been spotted. You are watching the news regarding the closed borders issue when you hear a woman from France say that there is a man already in the hospital dying of the "Mysterious Influenza". There is panic in Europe.

The information says that when you have the virus, it's for a week and you don't even notice it. Then you have 4 days of horrible symptoms and then you die.

England closes its borders also, but it's too late, the disease has already entered that nation as well. One more day goes by and the President of the United States closes its borders to Europe and Asia, to avoid the infection in his country until the cure is found...

The following day, people are gathering in churches to pray for a cure and someone comes inside saying: turn on the radio and then you hear the news: 2 women have died in New York. In a few hours, it seems the disease has invaded the whole world.

Scientists keep working to find the antidote, but nothing works. Suddenly, what everyone has been waiting for: the DNA code of the virus has been broken. The antidote can be made. They are going to require the blood of someone who has not been infected. The news spread all around the countries so that people would go to the nearest hospital and have a blood test done. You go as volunteer along with your family and some neighbors asking yourself: what will happen? could this be the end of the world?...

Suddenly a doctor comes shouting a name that he has read on the record. Your youngest child is beside you, grabs your jacket and says: Daddy...that's my name!...Before you can react your child is being taken away and you yell: Wait!...they answer back saying: everything is ok, his blood is clean, his blood is pure. We think he has the correct blood type.

After 35 very long minutes, physicians come out crying and laughing. It's the first time you have seen someone laugh in a week. The oldest doctor approaches you and says: Thank you sir, your sons blood is perfect, it's clean and pure, we can make the antidote for this disease.

The news spread all over, people are praying and crying of happiness.

Then the doctor comes back and tells you and your wife: could we talk for a moment? We didn't know the donor would be a child and we need you to sign this consent to give us permission to use his blood. When you are reading the document, you notice they haven't written the amount they'll need and you ask: How much blood?...the smile on the doctors face disappears and he answers: we didn't think it was going to be a child. We were not prepared. We need it all!!... You can't believe it and try to answer back: "But, but...". The doctor insists, "you don't understand, we are talking of the cure for the whole world. Please sign, we need it...all. Then you ask: Can you give him a transfusion? they answer: if we had clean blood we could...

Will you sign?...please?...Sign!!...silently, numb fingers holding the pen, you sign. They ask you: Would you like to see your son? You walk towards the ER where your son is sitting on a bed saying: Daddy! Mommy!, what is going on?

You take his hand and tell him: Baby, mommy and I love you very much and we would never let anything happen to you that it wasn't necessary, can you understand this? Then the doctor comes back and says: I'm sorry we need to start, people all over the world are dying...

Can you leave? Can you give your back to your son and leave him there?...meanwhile he says...Daddy?, Mommy? why are you leaving me?...

The following week, they perform a ceremony to honor your son, some people stay asleep at home, others don't come because they rather go for a stroll or watch a football game and others come to the ceremony with a false smile pretending they care.

You would like to stand up and shout: My son died for all of you!!! Don't you care??!!....

Maybe that is what God is trying to tell you: My son died for you, you still don't know how much I love you?

Isn't it curious how simple it's for people to reject God and afterwards ask themselves why the world is going from bad to worse.

Isn't it curious to see how people can believe everything they read on the newspapers, but question what the Bible says.

Isn't it curious how somebody can say: "I believe in God", but show something entirely different with their actions.

Isn't it curious how lust, crude, vulgar and obscene is sent freely through the web, but public discussion about Jesus is eliminated from schools and workplaces.

Isn't it curious to see how we are more worried of what people might think about us than what God might think about us?

It is curious.

I pray that when you read this you will be blessed by it, touched by it and confronted by it...if you read it, think about it and believe...that Jesus was sent over 2000 years ago to die on the cross and justify us for our sins. He was sent out of pure love for you, He gave all his blood for you, his life for you.

You still have and opportunity...don't waste it!!

John 3:16
Romans 5:8-9
Hebrews 9:14


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