Under God
I was surprised when I heard in the U.S. news channel about this judge that is contesting the "under God" in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance. They noticed that it was unconstitutional after decades of repeating it??. I was upset as well. How dare they say that. But you can see that they just want to wipe out God out of society. Christians have to be alert, very alert. Probably it will happen anyway because it is all within God's plan for the final days, but people have to be very careful no to be deceived and robbed of their faith. They have to stand tall and stand firm even when that will mean scorn and ridicule. When such a time like that comes, we will see who were the true followers of Jesus and who were just playing go to church. I pray that God gives me the strength to endure in His way and that I will not weaver.
Let me place here a little piece of an article I read about this:
America is experiencing a hostile takeover, an advancing conquest by abject secularists who believe -and demand- that our nation should be a religion-free zone that stifles all public religious expression. That movement experienced a surge this week when a San Francisco Federal District Court declared that the phrase "under God" in our nation's Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional.
The plaintiff in the case -the now notorious Michael Newdow- is a self-serving atheist who attempted to oust the phrase from the Pledge two years ago. The problem then was that he alleged that he was representing his daughter's desire to cast -under God- out of the Pledge. We found that the opposite was true; the little girl -who was living with her mother, a Christian- actually enjoyed reciting the Pledge in her school.
That case was thrown out when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Mr. Newdow had no standing to bring suit on behalf of his daughter because he had no parental authority to do so, following his divorce.
This is an amazing presumption -that children repeating two words are being compelled to affirm a religion. I wonder, Judge Karlton, are religious children similarly being compelled to forfeit their religious beliefs in classrooms that teach evolution as fact?
Our nation is being stripped of its prominent religious heritage -a heritage embraced by our Founders and by many generations.
If the militant secularists want to redefine this nation in their own Godless imagine, they should at least be honest with the American people and admit that they are contradicting our nation's extensive history of government-endorsed public religious expression, including National Days of Prayer, "In God We Trust" on our coinage, acknowledgment of the Creator in our Constitution and in countless other areas.
These religious references indicate the true chronicle of our nation. Those of us who love and respect this history better get serious about protecting it, because the enemies of our religious heritage are hell-bent on wiping out our history and instigating a new era -one of utter religious suppression.
It's a frightening prospect, but one that I believe is very real.
This was taken from the "Insider weekly newsletter to The Moral Majority Coalition and The Liberty Alliance".
Let me place here a little piece of an article I read about this:
America is experiencing a hostile takeover, an advancing conquest by abject secularists who believe -and demand- that our nation should be a religion-free zone that stifles all public religious expression. That movement experienced a surge this week when a San Francisco Federal District Court declared that the phrase "under God" in our nation's Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional.
The plaintiff in the case -the now notorious Michael Newdow- is a self-serving atheist who attempted to oust the phrase from the Pledge two years ago. The problem then was that he alleged that he was representing his daughter's desire to cast -under God- out of the Pledge. We found that the opposite was true; the little girl -who was living with her mother, a Christian- actually enjoyed reciting the Pledge in her school.
That case was thrown out when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Mr. Newdow had no standing to bring suit on behalf of his daughter because he had no parental authority to do so, following his divorce.
This is an amazing presumption -that children repeating two words are being compelled to affirm a religion. I wonder, Judge Karlton, are religious children similarly being compelled to forfeit their religious beliefs in classrooms that teach evolution as fact?
Our nation is being stripped of its prominent religious heritage -a heritage embraced by our Founders and by many generations.
If the militant secularists want to redefine this nation in their own Godless imagine, they should at least be honest with the American people and admit that they are contradicting our nation's extensive history of government-endorsed public religious expression, including National Days of Prayer, "In God We Trust" on our coinage, acknowledgment of the Creator in our Constitution and in countless other areas.
These religious references indicate the true chronicle of our nation. Those of us who love and respect this history better get serious about protecting it, because the enemies of our religious heritage are hell-bent on wiping out our history and instigating a new era -one of utter religious suppression.
It's a frightening prospect, but one that I believe is very real.
This was taken from the "Insider weekly newsletter to The Moral Majority Coalition and The Liberty Alliance".
Hi. I think this blog is great. We need more Christians spreading the word through things like this. Recently campus crusade for christ went to panama city. Did you hear about that?
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM
Hello Ryder. Thanks for your comment, I hope people are touched by God when they read some of these words. I did hear about it, I unfortunately was not able to participate, but I will sure do next time. As a matter of fact I know their directors here in Panama, they are very good friends of my family. Extraordinary people! You are from Canada I imagine to know about this. Well again, thanks for the comment. Blessings!
Mary Gaby, at 10:46 PM
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