Next week, starting friday, my vacations start, I can't wait. I hope I can get a lot of rest. I haven't planned anything specific but just resting from the interpreting will be great. It doesn't seem like it but interpreting can be very exhausting mentally and as a result your body feels tired also. I was reading the other day in the newspaper about this lady who has worked as a translator all her adult life. On the article it said that interpreters and translators rotate themselves every 1/2 hour because it is so exhausting. That is not the case where I work. We sometimes are interpreting for 2 or 2 1/2 hours, maybe not on the same call, but one after the other. To give you an example, last week I started a call at 1:04 p.m. (by the way I got out at 1:30 p.m.) and I finished the call at 4:40 p.m. I was completely drained, my water had ran out, I had a sore throat, I was hungry...I felt really tired. If you are asking yourself what type of call lasted so long. It was a nurse and then a dietitian giving diabetes classes to a lady who recently found out she had diabetes. So imagine.
So I hope I can get a lot of rest. We'll see.
So I hope I can get a lot of rest. We'll see.
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