This is a long weekend here in Panama. Offices and banks closed since thursday at 12 noon. I didn't get to go to beach after all because I had to work. I thought they were going to give me the day off (friday) because they gave it to me last year, but that wasn't the case. I thought yesterday was going to be a slow day at work, because hispanics really celebrate Easter, what we call in spanish "Semana Santa" or Holy Week. But I was surprised to see that it wasn't the case at all. We had as many calls as always. All type of calls.
When I left work on my way home, the city was kind of deserted, just a few cars on the street. Most of the people went to the beaches or to what we call "el interior", which is like the countryside. Today there were more cars on the street, but still not at all like a normal saturday. I went to two supermarkets to get some stuff and something I noticed was that most of the people in them were elderly. I guess they were the ones that stayed behind. So now I am relaxing at home and later I will go out and see what's open.
I don't know if I have mentioned this before but I have 2 brothers, both older than me. Recently I heard something that I didn't like too much, but I can only pray and ask God to take care of her. Let me explain. My oldest brother was married when he was very young, they had two kids and then they divorced. My nephew and niece have lived with their mom ever since, but we always see them and call them and stuff. My brother now has re-married and has another child. My ex-sister-in-law (I guess that is the way to say it) recently announced that she had met someone and she was getting married. Then we found out that he is from South Carolina and she wants to take the kids with her. I was sad. Now they are seeing about the legal custody, because it will be a big change for the kids. New culture, new language, new family, new school...everything. He is a judge, and I don't know if he is divorced or widowed, and he has 3 kids of his own. My nephew has stated that he wants to stay in Panama with his father, my niece says she'll go with her mother. So now they will be separated. I can only ask God to take control of this situation. Because just knowing that the day will come when I will have to say goodbye to my niece and that I will see her only once in a while just breaks my heart. When my brother told me that, I couldn't stop myself from looking for a place I could be alone and just cry a little. My niece is such a joy. I also pray that her mother will look out spiritually for her. I don't know her husband, but I hope he really is a christian as we have been told he is. My niece is in Gods hands now.
When I left work on my way home, the city was kind of deserted, just a few cars on the street. Most of the people went to the beaches or to what we call "el interior", which is like the countryside. Today there were more cars on the street, but still not at all like a normal saturday. I went to two supermarkets to get some stuff and something I noticed was that most of the people in them were elderly. I guess they were the ones that stayed behind. So now I am relaxing at home and later I will go out and see what's open.
I don't know if I have mentioned this before but I have 2 brothers, both older than me. Recently I heard something that I didn't like too much, but I can only pray and ask God to take care of her. Let me explain. My oldest brother was married when he was very young, they had two kids and then they divorced. My nephew and niece have lived with their mom ever since, but we always see them and call them and stuff. My brother now has re-married and has another child. My ex-sister-in-law (I guess that is the way to say it) recently announced that she had met someone and she was getting married. Then we found out that he is from South Carolina and she wants to take the kids with her. I was sad. Now they are seeing about the legal custody, because it will be a big change for the kids. New culture, new language, new family, new school...everything. He is a judge, and I don't know if he is divorced or widowed, and he has 3 kids of his own. My nephew has stated that he wants to stay in Panama with his father, my niece says she'll go with her mother. So now they will be separated. I can only ask God to take control of this situation. Because just knowing that the day will come when I will have to say goodbye to my niece and that I will see her only once in a while just breaks my heart. When my brother told me that, I couldn't stop myself from looking for a place I could be alone and just cry a little. My niece is such a joy. I also pray that her mother will look out spiritually for her. I don't know her husband, but I hope he really is a christian as we have been told he is. My niece is in Gods hands now.
Hello Mary
I just want to let you know,That you have an amazing blog I really like it, I'm christian too,
Saludos From Texas
Arturo MD
Anonymous, at 11:24 PM
Hi Arturo,
Thank you very much. You are very kind. I am so glad you are a christian too, do you have a blog of your own? Let me know ok? God bless!
Mary Gaby, at 5:09 PM
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